Saturday, 23 June 2012

it all comes to a close

june 22, 2012
marks the day that I graduated Engage:DTS ... filled with laughter and tears, we wrapped up 6 months of adventure, challenge, love, joy, healing, growth and getting to know and love an incredible God.
together we have built friendships and memories that will last a lifetime, truly some of the best 6 months of my life.
thanks to all of you have walked with me on this journey, you are closer than family and have made this time incredible for me.

and a special thanks to all of you who have supported me in prayer and finances and made this time possible for me. You have blessed me immensely.

Stay tuned, this next season is bound to be even more exciting than the first as I continue to walk with God and follow His voice and call on my life.

much love, and see ya soon ;)