Monday, 6 August 2012

the next big thing

Hello! Welcome to my new blog!
For those of you who were following along on live-now-work-later you may be wondering why there is a new blog that will be "detailing my life with Youth With A Mission [YWAM]" when I have already completed my Discipleship Training School (DTS).
Well, here is why: 
As of September, I will be going back to Youth With A Mission's "University of the Nations" in Kona. I will be joining the staff team for Engage DTS 2013, which will begin in January. 

My DTS was such a life-changing experience for me. My hope going into it, was that I would develop a close relationship with God, and that I would finally become, the person that He has created me to be. It most certainly was not an easy process, and there were so many stubborn moments on my behalf, that made any change take longer than it should have. But in the end, I am so grateful for this experience. 
But the thing is, that DTS doesn't just happen. There is a huge team of people behind the entire process, that keeps the wheels turning so that we as students could have that life-changing experience. The staff were there for us 24/7, volunteering their time to make sure that we got everything we could out of DTS and could learn and grow and develop into the people we are destined to be. The work is by no means done in my life, but there has been a substantial step in the right direction.
As I was praying about what my next step should be after DTS, I went through many different ideas. But I felt God settle it in my heart, that I am meant to pour back into the program and the community, that so blessed me. I have so much more still to learn, and at one point debated doing another DTS entirely. But I've heard, and believe that staffing a DTS will push me just as much, if not more than my DTS, but in new and deeper ways. 

What Will Staffing Look Like?  

September - January: Leadership Training. Details of what that will look like, will be coming soon.
January 3rd: Students Arrive!!!
January - March: Lecture Phase. I will be hosting one-on-one meetings with girls in the school, helping with work duties, co-leading a small-group, outreach team meetings, and supporting the lectures, local outreach, and other activities the students do throughout the 3 months.
April - June: Outreach Phase. I will be leading an outreach team to a country in Asia and/or the Sub-Indian continent. Locations and teams won't be determined until the second week of Lecture Phase, but teams will likely have two leaders per team. 

I am so excited for the opportunity to grow alongside this community. To be able to pour out all that God has taught me into the lives of the youth that will be starting out on their newest adventure with Him. 

Thank you, for your continued support as I embark on this adventure!
To read more about YWAM, DTS, and the financial support I am looking for, please click on the tabs at the top of the page!  

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