Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Kona in transition

I've been in Kona for nearly one week now. The Leadership Track officially begins on Monday, but the Engage Staff is here a week early to help with Transition Week. Its basically the week between one quarter leaving for Outreach, and the next quarter of students coming in for the Lecture Phase. Its a time to clean the base and reorganize all the rooms to host staff, students and guests. This quarter will be the largest yet with approximately 700 students and 400 staff.
This week the Engage Staff has been experiencing servant leadership at its finest. We've spent the past two days building bunk-beds, deep cleaning bedrooms, arranging furniture, and doing grounds work around the base. We've also been put in charge of hospitality for the next two days as students come in. We've spent the day preparing food, and arranging the Ohana Court so its at its most welcoming, and we're now preparing for the students Orientation tomorrow morning.
I am so excited for this quarter to officially begin and to see what God is going to do through this next wave of youth.

And then, there is the official start of the Leadership Track!!!
Our schedule is looking packed for this quarter... once we go through orientation I'll be posting more specific information about what we'll be doing over the next three months.

For right now though, please be praying that we get housing! Due to the fact that we will have over 1000 people living on base that have priority housing, there isn't enough housing for the Leadership Track participants. So we are currently looking desperately for off-campus housing. We have found an ideal home that would be able to house all the girl staff, with separate living quarters for the boys. Currently the house is only for sale, but the landlord has agreed to rent it, but we're still waiting to see if he is open to the number of remnants that would be living there. We are praying that God will give us favor and that the landlord will allow us to rent the house for the next three months.

On behalf of the whole staff team, I would greatly appreciate your support in prayer as we apply for housing!

Thank you so much for your continued support and prayers
Much love,

Saturday, 22 September 2012

sleepless in Seattle

Along my journey from Toronto to Kona, I stopped off in Seattle for 5 days to visit one of my roommates from my Discipleship Training School in Jan.'12. Other than the incredible opportunity to reconnect with some friends and see a new part of the USA, I wasn't expecting much out of the trip.
Boy was I wrong.
It turns out, Seattle was exactly what I needed before heading out to the Leadership Track.
The first night I was there, Nae and I went to a leadership meeting for "Thrive." A college youth group in Gig Harbor whose leadership team she has joined. We had an incredible night of prayer and worship, and I was able to connect with the team immediately, as well as be able to come alongside them in prayer, as though I was just another leader. But it didn't stop there. Touring Seattle became less of a priority as ministry and fellowship became the greater focus of the trip. Every day I was in Seattle, I spent at least a few hours with this incredible group of people. I am truly inspired by them and their dedication to the work they are doing in Gig Harbor. Despite the hectic schedules they are all managing, they've made the Lord's work their focus. Each of them are leading lives of discipleship as they come alongside other youth and lead them closer into relationship with Jesus. I have been truly honored by them that I was so welcomed and included in the work they are doing.
God is truly moving in the north-west... and not just in Gig Harbour.
Nae and I went to visit another Youth With A Mission friend midway through the week and got to hear about the incredible work he is doing near Bremerton. "The Coffee Oasis" is a youth cafe and drop-in center that is growing in WA and becoming a popular place for street kids to come in, get some practical help, as well as a dedicated staff that live to serve, pray for, and disciple them if they desire it.
We also attended a prayer meeting that was a radical blessing. After hours of learning more about the One we serve and what He wants for our lives, we all received prayer and anointing as we were prophesied over regarding what plans God has for our lives. It was an incredible night, and even more encouraging when I got to see the fruit of that prophecy just 24hrs later as I co-lead a small group at the youth group in Gig Harbor.
It was an amazing week of fellowship, ministry and personal growth. While I was in Washington, I realized the importance of community in a way I haven't before. Sure, on DTS I experienced community living 24/7 for 6 months, and I thought I had an understanding of its importance then. But I think it takes losing it and then becoming a part of community again to realize its value. Going to Seattle, I got to witness and be a part of a community that inspired me. It made me realize the importance of pursuing deep relationship and fellowship wherever you go, so that together you can dive into ministry and grow deeper with God corporately and individually.

I am so excited about the work God is doing in the North-West. He really is moving in incredible ways, and it such a blessing that I got to witness a bit of what He is doing, and know how to be praying and interceding more specifically for the work going on there. Please join me in prayer as I pray for the "Thrive" youth group and "The Coffee Oasis". These are two ministries, among many, that are dedicated to bringing the Kingdom to earth in very practical ways.

You can visit their websites here:
The Coffee Oasis:
Thrive Youth Group:

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

cheers to round two!

In less than one week now, I will be leaving Ontario once again and making my way back to Hawaii.
This summer at home has truly been a learning experience for me. I've seen how easy it is to take things for granted. Whether its modern conveniences, friendships and community, or the food I like to eat, it is so important to recognize and appreciate what you have while you have it.
I've been so blessed by "My Home Team" that has been, and continues to be such a support to me as I pursue the dreams that God has placed on my heart. I am so excited to reunite with my YWAM Family and begin doing life together once again, as we prepare for the next wave of students for the "Engage Discipleship Training School" that will be joining us in just 3 short months! My heart practically leaps in my chest at the blessing it is to be able to come alongside them and support them as they grow into themselves and deeper relationship with God. I cannot wait to see all of us become the world-changers that we are all created to be!
Thanks to all of you here at home who have been so supportive and blessed me with your time, as you've poured into my life and guided me when I didn't know which way was up. You mean tons to me!

I have so appreciated your support in prayer and finances and ask that you continue to pray that all my finances will come in, and that I will learn all that God has for me in this next season and be a blessing to those around me!
Much love,

Monday, 10 September 2012

why is staffing important?

Hey y'all!
So one of my staff from the Engage Discipleship Training School (DTS) made a video about what a DTS is, and why staffing is important to its students.
Here is the clip, so you guys can hear what the students have to say about their staff!

I find it inspiring as a future staff, that it is possible to be such a big part of a person's transformation and how much of an impact I could make.

Please join with me in prayer and support, as I begin to walk with the future students of the Engage DTS'13 and help them walk in an even deeper relationship with God!