How To Donate

I have now created a Missions Account through Project Funding Canada. You are now able to donate to me and receive a tax receipt! 
There are currently four ways to give. I would ask that you please limit donations by credit card as money from your donation will go towards "Service Charges." But please donate however is most convenient for you. 
In any donation, please be sure to include the following Missionary Account Information so that money donated goes directly to me. Otherwise your money will be accepted as a general YWAM donation and will be distributed wherever money is most needed. 
Thank you for your continued support!
Many blessings,

Name: Rebecca Heppner
Code: HR17

There are currently four ways to give donations as outlined below.

1. Pre-Authorized Payment (PAP)
Click here if you are interested in downloading a pre-authorized payment agreement form and then send it to the address below.

2. Cheque/Money Order
Please make your cheque or money order payable to "Youth With A Mission" and include a separate note with the name of the Missionary Account Information. If you are interested in giving on a monthly basis you can send in post-dated cheques or use our pre-authorized payment method. Mail to the address below.
Mailing Address:
Project Funding Office
PO Box 57100 RPO East Hastings
Vancouver, BC V5K 5G6
We can now accept online banking donations from most Canadian and US banks and credit unions through Hyperwallet. You can make a donation by using your own Hyperwallet account, or doing a bill payment directly from your bank account's online banking page. Please review the instructions we have provided, and if you have any problems please call our office on 604.436.4433.
Please note: The instructions provided outline the overall process for donating to our Hyperwallet account from your bank account, but there may be a few steps missing that are specific to your bank's accounts and online banking set up. We will do our best to answer any questions we can, but you may also need to contact your bank directly at some point during the process.
Also: CIBC, President's Choice, and Scotia bank customers are unable to use Hyperwallet, due to their bank policies. If you have further questions, please contact us. We cannot under any circumstances accept an Interac e-Transfer (email deposit). These must be made to the named individual holder of the bank account, and cannot be made to a charity bank account or business bank account.

Donate Now Through!We are able to accept on line credit card donations through Canada Helps. Simply click on the image to the right, enter your donation amount, designate your funds, type in any relevant information and follow the steps outlined on the page. This option can be used worldwide and Canadian tax receipts will be issued for Canadian residents. For your convenience, we have also provided a printable PDF of these instructions as well.

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