Wednesday, 14 March 2012

4K research

So. I leave in 2 WEEKS!

I cannot believe how quickly time is going by. We've been warned that these next two weeks will become even more full and crazy as we prepare to go on outreach.
"Official Training" began today for me, with 4K Research Training.
Let me explain (hopefully) 4K:
4K divides the world into (4 thousand) omega zones. These zones are made using population, existing political divisions and availability of the Gospel. This information creates a "Map" so we can see the world and respond to its needs. So that we can see where we are and where we are not... and the most effective way to reach every people group.

So what will I be doing?
As 4K isn't able to travel all over the world collecting data, they train each Outreach Team to research and collect information on location. When we return all our information will be given over to 4K and put into their system.
I will be tracking all the Villages we go to, the Ministry we do there, and When. I'll also be collecting information about the Culture, Food, Clothing that future teams/ministries going into these zones can be even better prepared. There are also Zone Surveys that we will be answering, which will talk more about the peoples response, and help future teams plan the most effective way to minister in that particular zone.
For instance; If we've been doing a lot of evangelism in a zone and have had a good response, than future teams may look at starting a discipleship program to begin stewarding the people in their relationship with God.

I am so excited to be a part of gathering information and expanding 4K's database. Access to the 4K Interactive Map and more in-depth information is available on their website As well, if you are planning a trip or have recently returned from one, you may consider adding some of your own information to the site, through creating an account!

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