Tuesday, 27 March 2012

saying "Goodbye" to say "Hello"

Hey y'all!
I have been meaning to write you for sometime to give you an update on all that's been going on here in the past few weeks. Unfortunately there has been so much that its hard to bring up in my memory well enough to put into words right now... especially given that its currently 11pm and I've just come down off a Skittles high... so I will simply have to sum things up.
3 Weeks Ago:We had Chad Dedmon come and speak on Supernatural Evangelism. It was an amazing week. He really spoke to us on being Radical Listeners and Obeyers of God, and gave us amazing practical stories as well as miraculous stories of what that's looked like in His life.
For me personally, God revealed so much of His heart for particular people groups, and I felt like God has really begun to emphasize more of my "Life's Calling", particularly during this week.
2 Weeks Ago:
We had Marcia come to speak about living Cross Culture. It became a lot about social issues. She has worked in the Indigenous Tribes in Brazil for the majority of her life and has been exposed to issues of infanticide. It was an extremely moving week, and our whole school became exposed to issues the majority of us never knew existed.
I encourage you to check out her websites: http://www.atini.org/ , http://www.hakani.org/en/
1 Week Ago:
We had Kenny Peavy speak on Holy Spirit. This week was absolutely PACKED. Almost everyday ran straight through lunch as we just experienced the Holy Spirit moving and changing our hearts. It was such a powerful week, and truly life-changing. A few of the highlights are that
1. We listened to this amazing song, were a man was recording worship music.. just vocals and a guitar... and you can hear Angels worshiping with him... Here is the link if you`re interested: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8Xh5-1nBtc&feature=share
2. I got BAPTIZED! In the Ocean... it was so amazing to finally say "Goodbye" to the old me and "Hello" to the person that God originally designed me to be. Its not to say that there is nothing left for me to work on, but its a commitment to get there. :)

OH. And the main reason I am writing today?
Unfortunately I won't be bringing my laptop (apparently the humidity has been known to kill electronics.. gah.) So my updates are bound to be few and far between, sadly. But I will be keeping a journal, so hopefully upon my return I can post some old journal entries and whatnot.
It's shocking to know that the Lecture Phase is officially complete.
It's terrifying to say goodbye to some of my best friends and "family"
It's EXCITING to be going on the next half of this adventure.

Frankly 2 or 3 weeks ago, I would not have felt I could go on Outreach. But now (besides the sad part of leaving "Home") I can say I'm truly excited, and raring to go. It will be new, and hard, and shocking, and terrifying, but it will be EPIC and GOD will MOVE. It will be LIFE CHANGING.

Please be praying for Safe Travels, that everyone in our school gets there Visas soon (there are currently 4 people waiting to get there visas) and that our Teams Have Unity!

Thanks for following and supporting me as I walk out this part of my life, it means more than you know!
Much love,

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